
The American Legion Post 363 Johnson-Hershman



The American Legion Auxiliary Unit of The American Legion Post 363, Johnson-Hershman, Inc. was organized in 12 January 1927. 

The American Legion Auxillary is made up of the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Lgion.   

Questions about the Auxiliary, feel free to call the following women:

           Pam Krueger            at 920.639.9027

           Nancy Burda            at 920.367.3099

           Linda Wisniewski     at 920.737.9024

The Auxiliary Unit's biggest fundraiser is in the Poppy Sale.  The selling of poppies each year on National Poppy Day is one of the Auxiliaries biggest activities.  By connecting the visual image of the poppy with the sacrifice of service made by our veterans has been an important goal of the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Program since its inception in 1921. On Memorial Day and Veterans Day, millions of red crepe paper poppies—all handmade by veterans as part of their therapeutic rehabilitation—are distributed across the country in exchange for donations that go directly to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans in our communities.

       Click on the following to visit the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Program website. 

The Auxiliary Unit also supports the Badger Girls.  This is an organization is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary for the purpose of teaching Civi Government to female High School students who have completed their Junior year and are sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary units for this program.  There the young ladies learn about the policical process by electing officials for all levels of state govenment and actively running a mock government.  The State of Wisconsin holds the American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girl (ALABGS) which is a week-long government and leadership conference for young women in their Junior year of high school.  Attendees of the program will learn by doing as they become citizens of the fifty-first state, the state of Badger.  Citizens will have the opertunity to run for offices on the city, county, and state levels of government and will work together to make Bager the best state in the Nation. 

Individual interested in becoming a delegate should speak to their high school guidance counselor.       

       Click on the following to visit and learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State national website. 

       Click on the following to visit and learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary Badger State Girls website. 


More infomation on The American Legion Auxiliary

The National Auxiliary  Website

Information on the American Legion website about the Auxiliary.